Write the same code in a note pad or other text editor and save it with html extention. Open the saved file on your google crome or Mozila browser to see the output.
- <html>
- <head>
- <title>Gyan Tutorial Example</title>
- </head>
- <body>
- <p style="font-size:36px;color:green;"><b>The span heading is used twice in this bellow text line</b></p>
- </br>
- <h1>The <span style="color:green">Span</span> Heading is used <span style="color:blue">twice </span>in this bellow text line</h1>
- </br>
- <img src="https://website.gyaann.com/a14.jpg" alt="Image not found" style="border:2px solid black;margin:20px;width:244px;height:208px;">
<img src="https://website.gyaann.com/a14.jpg" alt="Image not found" style="border:2px solid black;margin:20px;width:304px;height:298px;">
- </body>
- </html>