
Write the same code in a note pad or other text editor and save it with html extention. Open the saved file on your google crome or Mozila browser to see the output.

Output Bellow

HTML coding consists of different HTML elements and each element has its own function.
Some common HTML elements are used by HTML programmer for creating heading of a webpage are H1, H2, H3, H4, H5, H6.
These elements are priorities in the contents for using heading of different topic, menu and submenu, as HTML element H1 can be used to create a large heading of the main content.
HTML element H2 is comparatively smaller than element H1, so that can be used to create a heading of less priority than H1 heading. Subsequently the H3, H4, H5, H6 are used for shorter and the shortest menu or heading according to the requirement of the webpage.

HTML coding consists of different HTML elements and each element has its own function.
Some common HTML elements are used by HTML programmer for creating heading of a webpage are H1, H2, H3, H4, H5, H6.
These elements are priorities in the contents for using heading of different topic, menu and submenu, as HTML element H1 can be used to create a large heading of the main content.
HTML element H2 is comparatively smaller than element H1, so that can be used to create a heading of less priority than H1 heading. Subsequently the H3, H4, H5, H6 are used for shorter and the shortest menu or heading according to the requirement of the webpage.