
Html Tutorial for Beginners
How to create website using HTML CSS?

It is very important to learn about HTML before you start to create website. HTML stands for Hyper Text Markup Language, which is the most widely used language on Web to create website.

You must learn to implement CSS in your HTML elements before you start to create website because CSS is the language for describing the presentation of website, including colors, layout, and fonts. CSS is independent of HTML and can be used with any XML-based markup language. It mostly uses by all HTML programmers to create website.

HTML coding consists of different HTML elements and each element has its own function. Some common HTML elements are used by HTML programmer for creating heading of a webpage are H1, H2, H3, H4, H5, H6. These elements are priorities in the contents for using heading of different topic, menu and submenu, as HTML element H1 can be used to create a large heading of the main content. HTML element H2 is comparatively smaller than element H1, so that can be used to create a heading of less priority than H1 heading. Subsequently the H3, H4, H5, H6 are used for shorter and the shortest menu or heading according to the requirement of the webpage.

HTML element P is generally used for creating a paragraph or Para content in a webpage. To create a list of menu or submenu the HTML programmer used UL and LI elements. LI is a list of menu under the UL category. P, H1, H2, H3, H4, H5, H6 also can be used under the UL category to create a list of menu or heading in a webpage.

Image is always very attractive component to pull and hold the visitors and provide them best information without describing much word. An HTML element IMG is used to insert image files inside a webpage by the programmer. The coding is IMG with SRC and ALT where IMG signifies the image files and SRC is the location of the image files in the directory, ALT is the message to display if the image file is not found in the SRC location.

Hyperlink is one of the most important element use by the HTML developers to control the whole website by creating interlink among separate webpages in a project. Visitors can move from one webpage to another by just clicking a menu or object that is made to hyperlink with other document and in this way separate webpages in a website can be access by the users.

Label is an HTML element use to mark user Form and Input in also use to accept user input in a HTML Form. Both Label and Input are most essential elements to create a HTML Form in a website. Table, TD, TR is associated to create a structural arrangement of other elements in a HTML documents. Under Table menu TD and TR is use to arrange other HTML contents within separate elements to form a distinct structure in a webpage.

IFrame is use by the HTML programmer to access another media or web-link to work inside a webpage. This element gives full control of the web-link to play or work inside a web document, whereas Hyperlink release the control from the current documents and passes its access to other documents.

DIV is a container element; different HTML elements can be containing in a DIV elements. DIV are assign by the programmers within specific size and shape and also in responsive manner to get accustomed with separate media size. Separate other elements are arranged in a DIV container defines in a HTML document.

VIDEO and AUDIO are also two important HTML elements use to insert video and audio fie in a webpage. HTML developers also implement some control action in the Video and Audio elements to make it visitors friendly to play.

CSS is a style alignment of HTML elements, it is most important to use CSS in a HTML documents to make the webpage looks better. HTML programmer use CSS or style to all HTML elements to define its shape, size, design and looks in a webpage. A set of ordinary HTML elements looks quite gorgeous after implementation of CSS to it and the opposite is also true, all HTML elements will look unstructured without application of CSS style to it.

HTML programmers use different CSS style such as follow:-

Width: - To set the width of element.
Example: - Width:400px;

Height: - To set height of element.
Example: - Height:60%;

Margin: - To set margin of element.
Example: - Margin:4%;
Example: - Margin-top:20px;
Example: - Margin-bottom:100px;
Example: - Margin-right:80px;
Example: - Margin-left:10%;

Padding: - To set padding for the element.
Example: - Padding:4px;
Example: - Padding-top:20px;
Example: - Padding-bottom:100px;
Example: - Padding-right:80px;
Example: - Padding-left:10px;

Color: - To set color to an element.
Example: - Color:red;

Background-color: - To set a color of the element background.
Example: - Background-color:sky;

Background-image: - To set background image, provide image name with file extention and full save location.
Example: - Background-image:url("location/image.gif");

Background-size: - To set size of background image
Example: - Background-size:100% 100%;

Background-repeat: - To set the repeatability of background image
Example: - Background-repeat:no-repeat;

Border: - To set a border and border color of the element.
Example: - Border:2px solid black;

Border-radius: - To set border radius of the element.
Example: - Border-radius:6px 6px 4px 4px;

Box-shadow: To set a shadow and shadow color of the element.
Example: - Box-shadow:2px 2px 4px green;

Font-size: - To set font size of a text.
Example: - Font-size:24px;

Font-family: - To set separate font from external sources.
Example: - Font-family:myfont;

Font-style: - To set font style of a text.
Example: - Font-style:italic;

Text-shadow: - To set shadow and shadow color to text element.
Example: - Text-shadow:1px 1px 2px black;

Text-align: - To set the alignment of a text element.
Example: - Text-align:justify;

Text-decoration: - To set a define decoration to text element.
Example: - Text-decoration:none;

List-style: - To set style of a set of element included in a List, define Class or specific ID.
Example: - List-style:none;

Float: - To set the floating alignment of a set of elements.
Example: - Float:left;
Example: - Float:right;

Display: - To set element display either visible or invisible.
Example: - Display:block;
Example: - Display:none;

Opacity: - To set opacity or display unit of an element.
Example: - Opacity:0.4px;

Hover: - To set a change when the user put the mouse hovering on element.
Example: -

The above are some common CSS codes use by the programmers to set style of HTML elements but there are many other CSS codes to set style that you will learn with experience.

See Example Below


Media Queries is a CSS3 module allowing content rendering to adapt any screen resolution to the shape and size of different devices. It is a cornerstone technology to create website for supporting in both small and large screen.

Bootstrap is a free and open-source front-end web framework to create websites. It contains HTML and CSS based design templates for typography, forms, buttons, navigation and other interface components, as well as optional JavaScript extensions.

JavaScript is a programming language commonly used to create website. It was developed to add dynamic and interactive implementation to websites. Like server-side scripting languages JavaScript code can be inserted anywhere within the HTML tag to create a website.

J-Query is a fast JavaScript library that can be used to simplify event handling, HTML document traversing, Ajax interactions and animation for speedy website development. J-Query simplifies the HTML's client-side scripting, thus simplifying Web 2.0 applications development. It uses by most programmers to create website.

PHP or hypertext preprocessor is defined as an HTML-embedded scripting language that is used to create website. An example of PHP is a script that displays the date and time in a website.

MySQL is an open source relational database management system based on Structured Query Language.

LAMP: - LAMP is a Web development platform

Linux as the operating system

Apache as the Web server

MySQL as the relational database management system

PHP as the object-oriented scripting language

The MySQL Extension is a relational database driver used in the PHP scripting language to provide an interface with MySQL databases.

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Konnagar, Hooghly
West Bengal, India
Developed by :-Biswajit Mukherjee